Acne Treatment for Teens – 16 Best Ideas

Acne treatment for teens: Teenage years are often marred by the presence of acne, a skin condition that not only affects physical appearance but also takes a toll on self-esteem and confidence. It’s crucial for teenagers to find effective and safe ways to manage and treat acne. In this article, we will explore the best acne treatments specifically tailored for teenagers, focusing on a holistic approach that encompasses skincare routines, dietary habits, exercise, stress management, and professional guidance. By following these 16 best ideas, teens can regain control over their skin and boost their self-confidence. Acne treatment for teens!

1. Proper Skincare Routine:

Acne treatment for teens: Establishing a consistent skincare routine is fundamental in managing teenage acne. Teens should start their day and end their night with a gentle, non-comedogenic cleanser to remove impurities without over-drying the skin. Cleansing the face twice daily is essential, as it clears away excess oil, dirt, and dead skin cells, preventing them from clogging the pores and causing breakouts. Following cleansing, toning helps balance the skin’s pH, promoting a healthier complexion. Mild, alcohol-free toners are recommended for teenage skin as they refresh the skin without causing irritation.

Moisturizing is equally crucial, even for oily and acne-prone skin. Teens should opt for oil-free, non-comedogenic moisturizers that provide hydration without clogging pores. Proper hydration maintains skin elasticity and prevents excessive oil production. Additionally, incorporating a weekly exfoliating scrub or mask into the routine can help remove dead skin cells, unclog pores, and improve overall skin texture. It’s vital for teens to avoid harsh scrubs, as they can damage the skin barrier, leading to increased sensitivity and breakouts. Acne treatment for teens!

Lastly, sunscreen application is a non-negotiable part of any skincare routine. Teens should use a broad-spectrum, oil-free sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to protect their skin from harmful UV rays. Sunscreen not only prevents sunburn but also reduces the risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, a common concern among acne sufferers. Encouraging teens to adopt these skincare habits early on can set the foundation for healthy skin throughout their lives.

2. Healthy Diet and Hydration:

Acne treatment for teens: A well-balanced diet plays a pivotal role in maintaining clear skin during adolescence. Encouraging teens to consume a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins provides essential nutrients that support skin health. Vitamins A, C, and E are particularly beneficial for the skin, promoting collagen production and protecting against free radical damage. Additionally, foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and walnuts, have anti-inflammatory properties, reducing redness and irritation associated with acne. Acne treatment for teens!

Staying hydrated is equally vital for healthy skin. Water helps flush toxins from the body, promoting overall wellness and a clear complexion. Teens should aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day, adjusting for physical activity and climate. Dehydration can lead to dry, flaky skin, exacerbating existing acne concerns. Encouraging teens to carry a reusable water bottle and reminding them to drink water throughout the day can support their skin’s natural healing processes.

Furthermore, it’s essential for teens to be mindful of their sugar and dairy intake. High-glycemic foods and dairy products have been linked to increased acne severity. While the exact relationship between diet and acne is still under study, reducing the consumption of sugary snacks, processed foods, and dairy may help improve skin clarity. Educating teens about the connection between their diet and skin health empowers them to make informed choices that positively impact their acne-prone skin.

3. Regular Exercise and Stress Management:

Acne Treatment for Teens - 16 Best Ideas

Acne treatment for teens: Regular physical activity not only benefits overall health but also contributes to clear, radiant skin. Exercise increases blood circulation, allowing oxygen and nutrients to reach skin cells, promoting a healthy complexion. It also helps regulate hormones, including stress hormones like cortisol, which can trigger acne breakouts. Encouraging teens to engage in activities they enjoy, whether it’s jogging, dancing, or team sports, promotes both physical and mental well-being.

Stress management is paramount for teenagers dealing with acne. Stress triggers the body to produce hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, which can lead to increased oil production and inflammation in the skin. Chronic stress can worsen existing acne and delay the healing process. Introducing teens to stress-reducing activities such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises can significantly improve their overall skin condition. Practicing mindfulness techniques not only reduces stress but also enhances self-awareness and confidence, empowering teens to face challenges with resilience. Acne treatment for teens!

Moreover, hobbies and creative outlets provide an excellent way for teenagers to unwind and manage stress. Encouraging them to explore their passions, be it painting, writing, or playing a musical instrument, fosters a sense of accomplishment and relaxation. Spending quality time with friends and family also provides emotional support, reducing feelings of isolation and anxiety often associated with acne. By incorporating regular exercise and stress-reducing activities into their routine, teens can effectively manage stress levels, promoting clearer and healthier skin.

4. Importance of Clean Bedding and Personal Items:

Acne treatment for teens: Clean bedding and personal items that come into contact with the skin, such as pillowcases, bed sheets, and smartphones, are breeding grounds for acne-causing bacteria. Teenagers should develop a habit of regularly washing and changing their pillowcases and bed sheets, ideally at least once a week. This practice prevents the accumulation of sweat, oil, and dead skin cells on the fabric, reducing the risk of these impurities transferring back onto their skin.

Additionally, teens should be mindful of other items that frequently touch their face, such as smartphones and eyeglasses. Cleaning smartphone screens with disinfectant wipes helps eliminate bacteria, while eyeglasses should be cleaned daily to prevent oil and dirt from clogging pores around the nose and temples. Acne treatment for teens!

In addition to bedding and personal items, it’s essential for teens to keep their hair clean. Oily hair can transfer excess oil and dirt to the face, aggravating acne. Encourage teens to wash their hair regularly, using a gentle, sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner. If they have long hair, tying it back while sleeping can prevent contact with the face, reducing the likelihood of breakouts along the forehead and jawline. By maintaining cleanliness in their surroundings and personal items, teenagers can minimize the risk of bacterial contamination and support clearer, healthier skin.

5. Over-the-Counter Acne Treatments:

Acne treatment for teens: Over-the-counter acne treatments are readily available and can be effective in managing mild to moderate acne. Two common active ingredients found in these products are benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. Benzoyl peroxide works by killing acne-causing bacteria, reducing inflammation, and unclogging pores. It’s available in various concentrations, with lower strengths suitable for sensitive teenage skin. Salicylic acid, on the other hand, exfoliates the skin, helping to remove dead skin cells and prevent pore blockages. It’s particularly effective for blackheads and whiteheads.

When using over-the-counter treatments, it’s crucial for teenagers to follow the instructions provided on the packaging. Applying a thin layer of the product to clean, dry skin is recommended, usually once or twice a day. It’s important to start with a lower concentration to assess skin tolerance and gradually increase if necessary. Additionally, teens should avoid using multiple acne products simultaneously, as this can lead to excessive dryness and irritation.

Over-the-counter treatments may take several weeks to show noticeable improvement, so patience and consistency are key. If irritation occurs, it’s advisable to reduce the frequency of use or consult a healthcare professional for guidance on suitable alternatives. Acne treatment for teens!

While over-the-counter treatments can be effective for many teenagers, those with severe or persistent acne should seek professional advice from a dermatologist. Dermatologists can provide personalized treatment plans, including prescription medications and advanced therapies tailored to individual skin needs. Professional guidance ensures that teenagers receive the most suitable and effective acne treatment, minimizing the risk of complications and promoting clearer, healthier skin.

6. Prescription Medications:

Acne treatment for teens: For teens dealing with severe or persistent acne, prescription medications can offer significant relief. Dermatologists often prescribe topical treatments containing stronger concentrations of active ingredients like retinoids, antibiotics, or combination medications. Topical retinoids, derived from vitamin A, promote skin cell turnover and prevent pore blockages, effectively reducing acne lesions over time. Antibiotics, whether topical or oral, work by killing acne-causing bacteria and reducing inflammation. Combination medications containing both retinoids and antibiotics provide a comprehensive approach to treating acne. Acne treatment for teens!

In some cases, oral medications may be prescribed, such as oral antibiotics or hormonal treatments for females with hormonal acne. Oral antibiotics target bacteria and inflammation from the inside, often providing relief for inflammatory acne lesions. Hormonal treatments, such as birth control pills, regulate hormone levels, addressing hormonal imbalances that can contribute to acne. It’s essential for teenagers to adhere to the prescribed regimen and attend follow-up appointments with their dermatologist. Regular check-ups allow the dermatologist to monitor progress, adjust treatments if necessary, and address any concerns the teen might have.

While prescription medications can be highly effective, they may come with potential side effects, and it’s crucial for teenagers to be aware of these. Common side effects include dryness, redness, and increased sensitivity to sunlight. Dermatologists often provide guidance on managing these side effects, such as recommending suitable moisturizers and sunscreens. Additionally, it’s essential for teenagers to avoid self-medicating or sharing prescription medications with others. Only a healthcare professional can assess the specific needs of an individual’s skin and prescribe the most appropriate treatment for their acne.

7. Natural Remedies:

Acne treatment for teens: Many teenagers and their families seek natural remedies as a gentler alternative to conventional acne treatments. While natural remedies may not work for everyone and the scientific evidence supporting their efficacy is limited, some individuals find relief from certain natural ingredients.

Tea tree oil, derived from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia plant, has natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. When diluted properly and applied topically, it can help reduce acne lesions. Aloe vera, known for its soothing properties, can alleviate redness and irritation associated with acne. Aloe vera gel can be applied directly to the affected areas, providing a cooling sensation and promoting skin healing. Acne treatment for teens!

Apart from specific natural ingredients, maintaining a healthy lifestyle also contributes to clearer skin. Encouraging teenagers to manage stress through relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga can reduce stress-related acne. Similarly, ensuring a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals supports overall skin health. While natural remedies can be a part of a holistic approach to managing acne, it’s essential for teenagers to consult healthcare professionals before trying any new treatments. Some natural ingredients may cause allergies or irritate the skin, and a dermatologist can provide personalized guidance, ensuring the chosen remedies are safe and suitable for the individual’s skin type.

It’s important to note that natural remedies should not replace prescribed medications or professional treatments for severe or persistent acne. Dermatologists have the expertise to assess the severity of the condition and recommend the most effective treatments. Natural remedies can complement medical treatments, providing additional support for healthier skin. By combining natural remedies with proper skincare, a balanced diet, and stress management techniques, teenagers can take a comprehensive approach to managing their acne and promoting clearer skin.

8. Importance of Sun Protection:

Acne treatment for teens: Effective sun protection is vital for teenagers with acne-prone skin. Sun exposure can exacerbate acne and lead to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, making existing acne scars appear darker. Teens should use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, even on cloudy days, to protect their skin from harmful UV rays. Opting for oil-free and non-comedogenic sunscreens prevents pore blockages, reducing the risk of breakouts.

It’s essential to apply sunscreen generously and reapply every two hours, especially when swimming or sweating. Wearing protective clothing, such as wide-brimmed hats and long-sleeved shirts, further shields the skin from the sun’s harmful effects. Acne treatment for teens!

Aside from sunscreens, teens can choose sun-protective clothing made from specially designed fabrics that offer UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) protection. These clothing items provide an additional layer of defense against UV rays, safeguarding the skin while allowing teens to engage in outdoor activities comfortably. Educating teenagers about the importance of consistent sun protection not only prevents acne-related complications but also establishes healthy habits that protect their skin in the long run. By incorporating sun protection into their daily routine, teenagers can maintain clear skin and reduce the risk of sun-induced skin damage.

9. Avoiding Picking and Squeezing:

Acne Treatment for Teens - 16 Best Ideas

Acne treatment for teens: Resisting the urge to pick or squeeze acne lesions is crucial for preventing complications and promoting faster healing. Picking or squeezing acne can damage the surrounding skin, leading to inflammation, redness, and even infection. It can also worsen existing acne lesions, making them more prominent and difficult to conceal. Moreover, picking at acne can cause acne scars, which are often challenging to treat and may persist for a long time.

Teenagers should be educated about the potential consequences of picking and squeezing acne and encouraged to develop healthier coping mechanisms. Providing alternatives such as using non-comedogenic concealer to cover blemishes or practicing stress-reducing activities like deep breathing can help teenagers manage their urge to pick. Additionally, creating a supportive environment where teenagers feel comfortable discussing their acne-related concerns can reduce anxiety and prevent them from resorting to harmful habits. Acne treatment for teens!

Parents and guardians play a significant role in supporting teenagers through their acne journey. Encouraging open communication, offering reassurance, and seeking professional help when necessary contribute to a positive outlook. By avoiding picking and squeezing, teenagers can prevent further skin damage, allowing their skin to heal naturally. Emphasizing the importance of patience and self-acceptance promotes a healthy relationship with their skin, fostering confidence and self-esteem during this challenging period.

10. Professional Treatments:

Acne treatment for teens: For teenagers with persistent or severe acne, professional treatments offered by dermatologists provide effective solutions. Chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and laser therapy are among the treatments available. Chemical peels involve the application of a chemical solution to the skin, which exfoliates the top layer, revealing smoother, clearer skin underneath. Microdermabrasion uses a diamond-tipped wand to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores, reducing acne lesions and improving overall skin texture. Laser therapy targets acne-causing bacteria and reduces inflammation, promoting clearer skin.Acne treatment for teens!

Before undergoing any professional treatment, teenagers should consult a dermatologist to determine the most suitable option for their skin type and acne severity. Dermatologists assess the skin’s condition and recommend the appropriate treatment plan, ensuring optimal results. Professional treatments are typically performed in a controlled environment, minimizing the risk of complications. Following post-treatment care instructions is essential for maximizing the benefits and preventing adverse reactions.

Professional treatments offer a more targeted approach to acne management, addressing specific concerns and providing visible results. Teens undergoing professional treatments should follow the dermatologist’s advice regarding skincare routines and lifestyle modifications. With proper guidance and consistent follow-ups, professional treatments can significantly improve acne-related issues, boosting teenagers’ confidence and overall well-being. By seeking professional help, teenagers can gain access to advanced treatments that enhance their skin’s appearance and support their self-esteem.

11. Hormonal Considerations:

Acne treatment for teens: Hormonal changes during puberty can significantly impact acne in teenagers. Fluctuations in hormone levels, especially androgens like testosterone, can lead to increased oil production, making the skin more prone to acne breakouts. Hormonal acne often manifests as deep, painful cysts along the jawline, chin, and neck. For females, hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle can also trigger acne flare-ups. Acne treatment for teens!

In cases of hormonal acne, dermatologists may prescribe hormonal treatments, such as birth control pills, to regulate hormone levels. Birth control pills can help balance hormones, leading to reduced oil production and fewer acne lesions. It’s essential for teenagers to consult a healthcare professional before considering hormonal treatments. Dermatologists can assess the individual’s hormonal profile and recommend the most suitable options, taking into account factors such as age, overall health, and acne severity.

Additionally, adopting a healthy lifestyle can help manage hormonal acne. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and stress management techniques contribute to hormonal balance. Encouraging teenagers to maintain a healthy lifestyle supports overall well-being and helps regulate hormone levels. By addressing hormonal considerations through medical treatments and lifestyle modifications, teenagers can effectively manage hormonal acne and achieve clearer, healthier skin. Acne treatment for teens!

12. Importance of Sleep:

Acne treatment for teens: Adequate sleep is crucial for skin health and overall well-being. During sleep, the body undergoes various repair and regeneration processes, including skin cell turnover. Lack of sleep can disrupt these processes, leading to dull, tired-looking skin and a weakened immune system. Chronic sleep deprivation can also increase stress levels, triggering hormonal imbalances that can worsen acne.

Teenagers should aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night, allowing their bodies sufficient time to rest and rejuvenate. Establishing a regular sleep schedule, where they go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, promotes healthy sleep patterns. Creating a relaxing bedtime routine, such as reading a book or taking a warm bath, signals the body that it’s time to wind down. Additionally, ensuring the sleep environment is conducive to rest, with a comfortable mattress and pillows, contributes to better sleep quality. Acne treatment for teens!

Quality sleep not only enhances skin regeneration but also improves mood and cognitive function. Encouraging teenagers to prioritize sleep as part of their overall self-care routine promotes healthier skin and supports their physical and mental well-being. By getting enough rest, teenagers can wake up feeling refreshed, with clearer, more vibrant skin, boosting their confidence and self-esteem.

13. Role of Clean Hair and Hair Products:

Acne treatment for teens: Clean hair and appropriate hair products play a significant role in preventing acne along the forehead and jawline. Oily hair can transfer excess oil and dirt to the skin, clogging pores and causing breakouts. Teenagers should establish a regular hair washing routine, using a gentle, sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner. Washing the hair every 1 to 2 days, or as needed based on hair type, prevents the buildup of oil and reduces the risk of acne. Acne treatment for teens!

In addition to clean hair, teenagers should be mindful of the hair products they use. Hair styling products, such as gels, mousses, and hairsprays, can contain ingredients that may clog pores and aggravate acne. It’s essential to choose non-comedogenic hair products, which are formulated to avoid pore blockages. Reading product labels and selecting hair products labeled as non-comedogenic ensures that these products do not contribute to acne breakouts.

For individuals with long hair, tying the hair back while sleeping prevents contact with the face, reducing the risk of acne along the forehead and jawline. Using soft, fabric hair ties and avoiding tight hairstyles minimizes friction and irritation on the skin. By maintaining clean hair and choosing suitable hair products, teenagers can prevent acne caused by hair-related factors, promoting clearer and healthier skin.

14. Supportive Skincare Products:

Acne treatment for teens: In addition to basic skincare routines, supportive skincare products can enhance the overall effectiveness of acne treatment. Gentle exfoliants and masks designed for acne-prone skin offer additional benefits. Exfoliants containing mild ingredients, such as alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta hydroxy acids (BHAs), help remove dead skin cells, preventing pore blockages and promoting a smoother complexion. AHAs, like glycolic acid, exfoliate the skin’s surface, while BHAs, like salicylic acid, penetrate the pores, clearing out excess oil and debris.

Acne-specific masks can provide targeted treatment for troubled areas. Masks containing ingredients like kaolin clay absorb excess oil, reducing shine and preventing breakouts. Masks with natural antibacterial agents, such as tea tree oil or honey, can soothe inflamed skin and help combat acne-causing bacteria. It’s essential for teenagers to incorporate these products into their skincare routine judiciously, avoiding overuse that may lead to skin irritation. Acne treatment for teens!

Patch testing new products before full application is crucial to identify any potential allergies or adverse reactions. Applying a small amount of the product to a small area of skin allows teenagers to assess how their skin reacts to the product. If there are no adverse effects after 24 hours, the product can be used more widely. Supportive skincare products, when used correctly and in moderation, can enhance the effectiveness of acne treatment, promoting clearer and healthier skin.

15. Positive Lifestyle Choices:

Acne Treatment for Teens - 16 Best Ideas

Acne treatment for teens: Positive lifestyle choices significantly impact overall health and skin well-being. Avoiding smoking and limiting alcohol consumption not only benefit internal organs but also contribute to healthier skin. Smoking narrows blood vessels in the skin’s outermost layers, reducing blood flow and depleting the skin of oxygen and nutrients. This can lead to premature aging, wrinkles, and a dull complexion. Similarly, excessive alcohol consumption dehydrates the skin, making it appear dry and tired. Acne treatment for teens!

Additionally, managing screen time is essential for both mental well-being and skin health. Spending excessive time on electronic devices exposes the skin to blue light, which can cause oxidative stress and accelerate aging. Encourage teenagers to take regular breaks from screens, engage in outdoor activities, and practice hobbies that do not involve electronic devices. Balancing screen time with physical activities and face-to-face social interactions promotes healthier skin and overall well-being.

Maintaining a positive body image and self-esteem is equally vital. Teenagers should be encouraged to embrace their natural beauty and focus on their unique qualities rather than fixating on imperfections. Building self-confidence involves self-acceptance and self-love, regardless of the presence of acne. Parents, educators, and peers play a significant role in fostering a positive environment where teenagers feel valued and accepted. By promoting positive lifestyle choices and self-confidence, teenagers can cultivate a healthy mindset and radiant skin. Acne treatment for teens!

16. Building Confidence and Self-Esteem:

Acne treatment for teens: Dealing with acne during adolescence can be emotionally challenging, impacting self-confidence and self-esteem. It’s essential for teenagers to recognize that acne is a common skin condition that does not define their worth or beauty. Encouraging open communication and providing emotional support helps teenagers navigate their acne journey with resilience. Parents and guardians can play a vital role by listening to their concerns, offering reassurance, and helping them access appropriate resources, such as dermatological care or counseling if needed.

Educating teenagers about the normalcy of acne and its temporary nature during adolescence is crucial. Many teenagers experience acne, and it is not a reflection of their hygiene or habits. Building a positive self-image involves accepting imperfections and focusing on their strengths and talents. Engaging in activities they enjoy, pursuing hobbies, and spending time with supportive friends and family members boost their self-esteem and help them face challenges with confidence. Acne treatment for teens!

Encouraging teenagers to practice self-care routines, including skincare, exercise, and stress management, fosters a sense of control over their well-being. When teenagers actively participate in their self-care, they develop a positive mindset and a stronger sense of self-worth. Additionally, promoting body positivity and self-love helps teenagers appreciate their uniqueness and embrace their individuality.


In conclusion, acne treatment for teens encompasses a holistic approach that addresses skincare, lifestyle choices, and emotional well-being. By following the 16 best ideas outlined in this article, teenagers can effectively manage their acne and promote clearer, healthier skin. Encouraging a positive mindset, self-acceptance, and resilience empowers teenagers to face their acne journey with confidence. With the right support, teenagers can navigate adolescence with a positive self-image, promoting emotional well-being and radiant skin. Acne treatment for teens!


Expert recommendation

Organic Series Acne Treatment for Teens Serum


  • Intensive antibacterial properties.
  • Regulates sebum production.
  • Reduces pores visibility.
  • Soothes inflammatory lumps.
  • Leaves skin looking radiant, smooth, regenerated and perfectly moisturised.
  • Alleviates redness, irritation and inflammation.
  • Acne treatment for teens.

How to use

Acne treatment for teens: After cleansing and toning the skin, apply one dose of the organic acne serum to the face and neck. Massage gently in circular motions until completely absorbed. Use regularly with Organic Series Acne Control Cream. Acne treatment for teens!

Active ingredients

  • Glycerine – moisturises
  • MG – 60 Corn Syrup – moisturises strongly, improves firmness and flexibility, soothes irritation.
  • Trehalose – strongly moisturises, protects the skin from harmful external factors.
  • Canadian Willowherb – normalises the sebaceous glands by inhibiting 5-α-reductase enzyme and Propionibacterium acnes activity. Has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, soothing and alleviating effects.
  • Green Tea Extract – shows antiradical, anti-inflammatory, photoprotective, anti-aging effects, reduces the formation of erythema.
  • Sodium PCA – the sodium salt of pyroglutamic acid – moisturises, reduces transepidermal water loss TEWL. Occurs in the skin as a component of natural moisturiser.
  • Tazman Pepper – has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces swelling, soothes, relieves itching and burning. Regenerates, has anti-allergic, antibacterial effects, neutralizes free radicals, strengthens blood vessels.
  • Oliglycan – prevents the formation of acne, regulates the sebaceous glands and the amount of sebum secreted. Remineralises the skin, shows antibacterial and disinfectant effects. Anti-inflammatory, neutralises free radicals, regenerates, moisturises, firms.
  • Copper PCA – copper pyroglutamate – stimulates collagen synthesis, regenerates. Prevents scars, has slightly exfoliating properties, moisturises, smoothens, firms.
  • Zinc PCA – has anti-aging, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Regulates the amount of sebum, soothes acne conditions.


Aqua, Lavendula Angustifolia Flower Water, Rosmarinus Officinalis Leaf Water, Rosa Damascena Flower Water, Glycerin, Maltooligosyl Glucoside / Hydrogenated Starch Hydrolysate, Sodium Polyacrylate Starch, Trehalose, Epilobium Angustifolium Flower / Leaf / Stem Extract, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Sodium PCA, Tasmannia Lanceolata Fruit Extract, Tremella Fuciformis (Mushroom) Extract, Lentinus Edodes Extract, Copper PCA, Zinc PCA, Benzyl Alcohol, Dehydroacetic Acid, Tetrasodium Glutamate Diacetate.  

Hazards and Cautions

Store in a dry, dark and cool place. Keep out of reach of children

More inspiration

For more tips on acne treatment for teens, follow Organic Series UK on instagram and facebook  

Frequently asked questions

Is face serum good for acne? Is serum good for acne? Do serums help with acne? – A serum can be very helpful i  fighting acne – it’s best to choose a professional organic acne serum at Organic Series which has scientifically proven results and very valuable ingredients! Acne treatment for teens! What serum for acne? What serum to use for acne scars? What serums are good for acne? What serum should I use for acne? What serum to use for acne? – When looking for a serum for acne always look for high content of active ingredients and products with scientifically proven results. This is why it’s always the best idea to use Organic Series professional dermocosmetics – organic, vegan and high performance. Our Organic Acne Serum will help you fight acne and restore a smooth and glowing look. Acne treatment for teens!